When field marketing works

Episode 6: February 27, 2023

In this session, hear insider sales research about what over 600 IT decision-makers can teach us about creating demand generation strategies that work.

Christopher Ritchie (Global Event Sales, VP Foundry) shares rare insight -- the real sales tactics and data used by the world's leading IT vendors.

Watch it on-demand now to learn trends in tech spending, sales roadmaps and strategies, changes to the IT buying cycle, the most important people in your customer's decision-making, and how to choose channels that make a difference.

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Key Themes
  • How technology budgets are shifting and being allocated toward software, hardware and services over the next 12 months. 
  • Tech buyers' likelihood to seek a new vendor and how incumbents can protect their customer base especially in high growth areas.
  • Who is involved in each stage of the tech purchase process and how many individuals make up the tech buying committee.
  • The information sources that ITDMs rely on throughout the purchase process, and how resources such as podcasts, video, and in-person events play a part in 2023.

View Episode-6